Important Action Item

You may have seen the news today that our provincial government is ready to make a decision regarding the funding of the abortion pill in our province.

In case you are unfamiliar with the abortion pill, here is some good information:

The Abortion Pill procedure described by Dr. Anthony Levatino.


We need you to act quickly!


Please take a couple of minutes to phone and email both Health Ministers to express your concerns with expansion to abortion. After that, forward this email to all your pro-life contacts and give them a call or text so they see it too!


Minister Jim Reiter 

(306) 787-7345

Minister Greg Ottenbreit

(306) 798-9014

It is so important that they hear our voice! If they make this decision without hearing from pro-lifers in our province, the takeaway for them is that we don’t care.


Do you care? Please act today!