Our Vision
That one day in Saskatchewan and our country, everyone will recognize that personhood and the right to life (enshrined in the Canadian Charter) belongs to all human life, including the preborn child. That innocent human life will be cherished in the hearts and minds of people in such a powerful way that the killing of innocent human life through abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, or any other means, will be unthinkable.
Sask Pro-Life Board and Staff
Frances Stang
Selina Mailloux
Juan Tovar
Office Coordinator
Operations Coordinator
Ambassador Selina Mailloux
Office Coordinator & Operations Juan Tovar
Board of Directors
Executive Officers
President: Frances Stang
Vice President: Catherine Syrota
Past President: Valerie Hettrick
Secretary: Virginia Battiste
Member at Large: Chris Hradecki
Member at Large: Janis Waldegger
Regional Reps
Estevan: Lois I. Reetz
North West: Colette Stang
Regina: Theresa Bergen
Saskatoon: Carole Tokaruk
Prince Albert: Estelle April
Yorkton: Kellyn Aderson
Vacant Regional Rep Positions
Carlton Trail
Moose Jaw
North East
South West
West Central
If you would like to join the Board of Directors as an Executive Officer or as a Regional Rep contact us!
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Contact Us
Want to get in touch with us? Call (306) 992-6941 or fill out the form below and we will do our best to get back to you!
Mailing Address:
Sask Pro-Life Assoc, Box 27093 Avonhurst RPO, Regina, SK S4R 8R8